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Ohio Development Agency Partners with Corps of Engineers

Published: Feb 02, 2017

The Ohio Development Services Agency will work with the U.S. Corps of Engineers to market contract opportunities available in Ohio. The initial effort is to sponsor a Virtual Industry Day in eight Ohio cities, specifically including Facilities Support and Landscaping. The Agency will work through…


New Ohio Professional Engineer Ethics Training

Published: Feb 01, 2017

The Governor signed into law House Bill 236 to start the New Year, the legislation requires professional engineers to complete continuing professional development hours in professional ethics as part of the license renewal process. Sponsored by Rep. Bill Blessing (R-Cincinnati,) an engineer by profession, the…


Why Podiatrists Cannot Recommend Medical Marijuana

Published: Jan 30, 2017

John Izzo of Graff & McGovern, LPA, attended the January 27, 2017, Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee Meeting. As expected, the Advisory Committee reviewed the Ohio Board of Pharmacy’s proposed rules for dispensers and the State Medical Board of Ohio’s proposed rules on certificates to recommend…


When Patients in Ohio Cannot Use Medical Marijuana Legally

Published: Jan 18, 2017

On June 8, 2016, Governor Kasich signed a bill making Ohio the twenty-fifth state at the time to legalize marijuana for medical use. Effective September 6, 2016, a registered patient could use medical marijuana in Ohio. However, patients cannot use medical marijuana legally in Ohio…


New Wave of Discipline Against Physicians Not Complying with OARRS

Published: Jan 12, 2017

During the January 2017 meeting of the Ohio Medical Board, the Board Members voted to issue Notices of Opportunity for Hearing to 11 physicians and massage therapists. The Notices outlined alleged violations of the Medical Practice Act by the licensees and notified the licensees that…


Is Medical Marijuana Illegal?

Published: Jan 12, 2017

Medical marijuana use in Ohio is legal according to state law. Substitute House Bill 523 was signed by Governor John Kasich on June 28, 2016. It took effect on September 6, 2016. Ohio law allows patients to use but not smoke marijuana for certain medical…